

/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
import GeneratorBehavior from './generator-behavior.js';
import Ayva from '../ayva.js';
import StrokeParameterProvider from '../util/stroke-parameter-provider.js';
import defaultTempestStrokeLibrary from '../util/tempest-stroke-library.js';
import {
  createConstantProperty, cloneDeep, has, validNumber
} from '../util/util.js';

 * A behavior that allows specifying oscillatory motion on an arbitrary
 * number of axes with a formula loosely based on orbital motion calculations.
 * See the [Tempest Stroke Tutorial]{@link}.
class TempestStroke extends GeneratorBehavior {






  get angle () {
    return this.#angle;

  set angle (rad) {
    this.#angle = rad;

  get startAngle () {
    return this.#startAngle;

  set startAngle (angle) {
    this.#startAngle = angle;

  get bpm () {
    return this.#bpm;

  get startTime () {
    return this.#startTime;

  set startTime (time) {
    this.#startTime = time;

  get timer () {
    return this.#timer;

  static #granularity = 36;

  static #library = cloneDeep(defaultTempestStrokeLibrary);

   * How many slices to divide a stroke (180 degrees) into.
   * This controls how often a bpm provider is called per stroke.
  static set granularity (value) {
    if (!validNumber(value, 1, 180)) {
      throw new Error(`Invalid granularity: ${value}`);

    TempestStroke.#granularity = value;

  static get granularity () {
    return TempestStroke.#granularity;

  static get DEFAULT_PARAMETERS () {
    return {
      from: 0,
      to: 1,
      phase: 0,
      ecc: 0,
      shift: 0,
      noise: 0,
      motion: Ayva.tempestMotion,

  static get DEFAULT_TIMER () {
    return () => / 1000;

  static library = new Proxy({}, {
    get: function (target, key, receiver) {
      if (key in TempestStroke.#library) {
        return cloneDeep(TempestStroke.#library[key]);

      return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver);

    ownKeys: function () {
      return Object.keys(TempestStroke.#library);

    getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (target, key) {
      if (key in TempestStroke.#library) {
        return { enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: this[key] };

      return undefined;

  static computeTargetAngle (angle, startAngle) {
    const traversed = Math.abs(angle - startAngle);
    const strokeCount = Math.floor(traversed / Math.PI);
    const targetAngle = ((strokeCount + 1) * Math.PI) + startAngle;

    if (targetAngle === angle) {
      // Because rounding errors... :(
      return ((strokeCount + 2) * Math.PI) + startAngle;

    return targetAngle;

  static update (key, value) {
    TempestStroke.#library[key] = cloneDeep(value);

  static remove (key) {
    delete TempestStroke.#library[key];

  static restoreLibrary () {
    TempestStroke.#library = cloneDeep(defaultTempestStrokeLibrary);

   * Create a new tempest stroke with the specified config.
   * @example
   * TempestStroke({
   *   stroke: {
   *     from: 0,
   *     to: 1,
   *   },
   *   twist: {
   *     from: 0.25,
   *     to: 0.75,
   *     phase: 1,
   *   },
   * }));
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {Number} [bpm=60]
   * @param {Number} [angle=0]
   * @param {Object} [timer=null]
   * @param {Number} [startTime=null]
  constructor (config, bpm = 60, angle = 0, timer = TempestStroke.DEFAULT_TIMER, startTime = null) {

    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      if (!has(TempestStroke.library, config)) {
        throw new Error(`No stroke named ${config} found.`);

      config = TempestStroke.library[config]; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign

    createConstantProperty(this, 'axes', {});

    Object.keys(config).forEach((axis) => {

      createConstantProperty(this.axes, axis, {});

      Object.keys(config[axis]).forEach((property) => {
        createConstantProperty(this.axes[axis], property, config[axis][property]);

      Object.keys(TempestStroke.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS).forEach((property) => {
        if (!has(config[axis], property)) {
          createConstantProperty(this.axes[axis], property, TempestStroke.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS[property]);

      const { from, to } = this.axes[axis];

      createConstantProperty(this.axes[axis], '$current', { from, to });

    this.#angle = angle;
    this.#startAngle = angle;
    this.#bpmProvider = StrokeParameterProvider.createFrom(bpm);
    this.#bpm =;
    this.#timer = timer instanceof Function ? {
      now: timer,
    } : timer;
    this.#startTime = startTime;

  * generate (ayva) {
    if (this.#timer) {
      yield* this.#synchronizedGenerate(ayva);
    } else {
      yield* this.#unsynchronizedGenerate(ayva);

   * Generates moves that will move to the start position of this Tempest Stroke.
   * The speed of the moves default to 1 unit per second.
   * @param {Ayva} ayva
   * @param {Object} [mixin] - configuration options to add or override for each move.
  * start (ayva, mixin) {
    const moves = this.getStartMoves(ayva, mixin);
    yield moves;

   * Returns an array of moves that will move to the start position of this Tempest Stroke.
   * The speed of the moves default to 1 unit per second.
   * @deprecated since version 0.13.0. Use start() generator instead.
   * @param {Ayva} ayva
   * @param {Object} [mixinConfig] - configuration options to add or override for each move.
   * @returns array of moves
  getStartMoves (ayva, mixinConfig) {
    const speedConfig = {};

    if (!mixinConfig || !(has(mixinConfig, 'speed') || has(mixinConfig, 'duration'))) {
      speedConfig.speed = 1;

    const usedAxesMapByName = {};

    const axesMoves = Object.keys(this.axes).map((axisNameOrAlias) => {
      usedAxesMapByName[ayva.getAxis(axisNameOrAlias).name] = true;
      const params = this.axes[axisNameOrAlias];

      const to = params.motion(
        params.shift + this.#angle
      )({ index: -1, frequency: ayva.frequency });

      return {
        axis: axisNameOrAlias,

    const unusedAxesMoves = ayva.getAxes()
      .filter((axis) => !usedAxesMapByName[])
      .map((axis) => {
        const movement = {
          to: axis.defaultValue,

        if (axis.type === 'boolean') {
          delete movement.speed;
          delete movement.duration;

        return movement;

    return [...axesMoves, ...unusedAxesMoves];

   * Creates a new TempestStroke that starts with a transition from this TempestStroke.
   * @example
   * const orbit = new TempestStroke('orbit-grind');
   * // Create a transition from an orbit-grind to a 30 BPM vortex-tease that takes 5 seconds.
   * const vortex = orbit.transition('vortex-tease', 30, 5);
   * @param {Object|String} config - stroke config or name of library config
   * @param {Number|Function} bpm - beats per minute of next stroke (or function that provides bpm)
   * @param {Number} duration - how long the transition should take in seconds
  transition (config, bpm = 60, duration = 1, onTransitionStart = null, onTransitionEnd = null) {
    return new TempestStrokeWithTransition(config, bpm, this, duration, onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd);

  * #synchronizedGenerate (ayva) {
    this.#startTime = this.#startTime ||;
    const targetAngle = TempestStroke.computeTargetAngle(this.#angle, this.#startAngle);

    while (this.#angle < targetAngle) {
      const time = - this.#startTime;
      const bpmFactor = ((time * 2 * Math.PI) / 60);
      const theta = this.#bpm * bpmFactor;
      const originalAngle = this.#angle;
      this.#angle = this.#startAngle + theta;

      this.#setAxisValues(ayva, this.#angle - originalAngle);

      const originalBpm = this.#bpm;
      this.#bpm =;

      // Magic maths to make sure bpm changes don't mess up the angle.
      this.#startAngle += (originalBpm - this.#bpm) * bpmFactor;

      yield ayva.period;

  * #unsynchronizedGenerate () {
    const { granularity } = TempestStroke;

    const startAngle = this.#angle;

    for (let i = 0; i < granularity; i++) {
      yield this.#createMoves(i);
      this.#angle = startAngle + (((i + 1) * Math.PI) / granularity);
      this.#bpm =;

  #setAxisValues (ayva, angleSlice) {
    const axisValues = {};

    Object.keys(this.axes).forEach((axis) => {
      const params = this.axes[axis];

      axisValues[axis] = params.motion(
        params.shift + this.#angle,
      )({ index: -1, frequency: ayva.frequency });

      this.#generateNoise(params, this.#angle - angleSlice, angleSlice);


  #createMoves () {
    const { granularity } = TempestStroke;
    const moves = Object.keys(this.axes).map((axis) => {
      const params = this.axes[axis];
      const seconds = 30 / granularity;

      const result = {
        value: params.motion(
          params.shift + this.#angle,
        duration: seconds / this.#bpm,

      this.#generateNoise(params, this.#angle, Math.PI / TempestStroke.granularity);

      return result;

    return moves;

  #generateNoise (params, angle, angleSlice) {
    if (params.noise) {
      const { PI } = Math;
      const deg = (radians) => (radians * 180) / PI;
      const getNoise = (which) => (validNumber(params.noise) ? params.noise : params.noise[which] || 0);
      const phaseAngle = (params.phase * PI) / 2;
      const absoluteAngle = phaseAngle + params.shift + angle;

      // We convert the angle to degrees and round so it's asthetically easier to find the transitions.
      const startDegrees = Math.round(deg(absoluteAngle % (PI * 2)));
      const endDegrees = Math.round(startDegrees + deg(angleSlice));
      const movingToStart = startDegrees < 360 && endDegrees >= 360;
      const movingToMid = startDegrees < 180 && endDegrees >= 180;

      if (movingToStart) {
        const noise = getNoise('to');
        const noiseRange = (params.from - / 2;
        params.$ = + noise * noiseRange * Math.random();
      } else if (movingToMid) {
        const noise = getNoise('from');
        const noiseRange = ( - params.from) / 2;
        params.$current.from = params.from + noise * noiseRange * Math.random();

  #validateNoise (params) {
    if (has(params, 'noise')) {
      const { noise } = params;
      const error = (value) => {
        throw new Error(`Invalid noise: ${value}`);

      const isObject = typeof noise === 'object';

      if (isObject && has(noise, 'from') && !validNumber(noise.from, 0, 1)) {

      if (isObject && has(noise, 'to') && !validNumber(, 0, 1)) {

      if (!isObject && !validNumber(noise, 0, 1)) {

class TempestStrokeWithTransition extends TempestStroke {




  constructor (config, bpmProvider, source, duration, onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd) {
    super(config, bpmProvider, 0, source.timer, source.startTime);
    this.angle = TempestStrokeTransition.computeTransitionStartAngle(source, duration, this.bpm);

    this.startAngle = this.angle;

    // Magic maths to make sure new stroke's start time meshes well with the
    // new start angle... <3
    const elapsedRadians = source.angle - source.startAngle;
    const elapsed = elapsedRadians / ((source.bpm * 2 * Math.PI) / 60);

    this.startTime += elapsed + duration;
    this.#transition = new TempestStrokeTransition(source, this, duration);
    this.#config = config;
    this.#onTransitionStart = onTransitionStart;
    this.#onTransitionEnd = onTransitionEnd;

    if (source.ayva) {

  * generate (ayva) {
    if (!this.#transition.complete) {
      if (this.#onTransitionStart instanceof Function) {
        this.#onTransitionStart(this.#transition.duration, this.bpm);

      yield* this.#transition();

      if (this.#onTransitionEnd instanceof Function) {
        this.#onTransitionEnd(this.#config, this.bpm);

    yield* super.generate(ayva);

class TempestStrokeTransition extends GeneratorBehavior {



  get duration () {
    return this.#duration;

  constructor (sourceBehavior, targetBehavior, duration) {
    this.#source = sourceBehavior;
    this.#target = targetBehavior;
    this.#duration = duration;

  * generate (ayva) {
    if (!(ayva instanceof Ayva)) {
      throw new TypeError(`Invalid Ayva instance: ${ayva}`);

    const zeroParamsLinearRotation = {
      from: 0.5,
      to: 0.5,
      $current: {
        from: 0.5,
        to: 0.5,

    const zeroParamsAux = {
      from: 0,
      to: 0,
      $current: {
        from: 0,
        to: 0,

    const sourceAxes = this.#getAxisMapByName(this.#source.axes, ayva);
    const targetAxes = this.#getAxisMapByName(this.#target.axes, ayva);

    const transitionAxisMoves = {};

    Object.keys(targetAxes).forEach((axis) => {
      const zeroParams = ayva.getAxis(axis).type === 'auxiliary' ? zeroParamsAux : zeroParamsLinearRotation;

      const sourceAxis = sourceAxes[axis] ?? { ...zeroParams };
      const targetAxis = targetAxes[axis];

      transitionAxisMoves[axis] = this.#createTransitionAxisMove(sourceAxis, targetAxis);

    // Catch any dangling axes that were part of source but not part of target.
    Object.keys(sourceAxes).forEach((axis) => {
      if (!transitionAxisMoves[axis]) {
        const zeroParams = ayva.getAxis(axis).type === 'auxiliary' ? zeroParamsAux : zeroParamsLinearRotation;

        const sourceAxis = sourceAxes[axis];
        const targetAxis = { ...zeroParams };

        transitionAxisMoves[axis] = this.#createTransitionAxisMove(sourceAxis, targetAxis);

    const moves = [];
    Object.keys(transitionAxisMoves).forEach((axis) => {

    yield moves;
    this.complete = true;

  #createTransitionAxisMove (sourceAxis, targetAxis) {
    const sourceBpm = this.#source.bpm;
    const averageBpm = (this.#source.bpm + this.#target.bpm) / 2;

    return {
      value: (params) => {
        const { x } = params;

        const from =, 0, 1, sourceAxis.$current.from, targetAxis.$current.from);
        const to =, 0, 1, sourceAxis.$, targetAxis.$;
        const phase =, 0, 1, sourceAxis.phase, targetAxis.phase);
        const ecc =, 0, 1, sourceAxis.ecc, targetAxis.ecc);
        const bpm =, 0, 1, sourceBpm, averageBpm);

        const provider = Ayva.blendMotion(
          sourceAxis.motion(from, to, phase, ecc, bpm, this.#source.angle),
          targetAxis.motion(from, to, phase, ecc, bpm, this.#source.angle),

        return provider(params);
      duration: this.#duration,

  #getAxisMapByName (axes, ayva) {
    // Convert axes config to be by name instead of alias so it is easier to reason about.
    return Object.keys(axes).reduce((map, axis) => {
      const axisConfig = ayva.getAxis(axis);
      map[] = axes[axis];
      return map;
    }, {});

  static computeTransitionStartAngle (source, duration, targetBpm) {
    const averageBpm = (source.bpm + targetBpm) / 2;
    return source.angle + (Math.PI * 2 * (averageBpm / 60) * duration);

export default TempestStroke;